
6 February 2013

San Francisco Skyline - A Petrolicious Short

A man's best friend may well be his dog his dog, but a car must surely rank a close second. As you're reading this blog (on a regular basis, I hope), I'm gonna assume that you think of cars as more than mere transport; even if you don't own the car of your dreams right now, you either have done or plan to. Now, I'm a man that has way too many project cars, but I have and have had cars that gave me that warm fuzzy feeling. The sort of feeling that even when the pressures of everyday life get on top of me, my 'mojo' is low and I wonder why the hell am I even bothering with the hassle of the old car 'thing', that if I can even just sit in one of my cars for just a few minutes, then all of that negativity just washes away and my car 'Katra' is cleansed.
Ivan Jaramillo must get that same feeling too; owner of not one but two Datsun Skyline GT-Rs (a white C10 and a silver C110), he obviously has the sort of irrational personal attachment to the intrinsically inanimate automobile that all we petrolheads do. And we surely wouldn't have it any other way.
More feel-goodness from Petrolicious here.


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