
10 August 2013

The Amazo Effect - Performance VW Site Of The Month For September!

Amazo-san isn't used to plaudits and recognition. The last time he got recognition for his artistic achievements was getting a picture on Take Hart when he was still in short trousers, so when we all heard that Performance VW magazine (thanks to a tip-off by their US contributor and all round good egg Tony Saggu) has named our little old place their 'Site Of The Month', well he hasn't stopped blushing and saying 'Aw shucks' in a goofy voice all day.
In all seriousness though, a big thank you to all concerned for the recognition; the site was started with the aim of shining a light on primarily car-related subjects that don't get a lot of attention or simply don't exist in the digital medium. We tend to think we have a slightly different perspective on cars and car culture and it's nice to know that people appreciate that.
And if we're being honest, looking at the 700+ articles still pending completion plus some of the ideas that Glorious Leader has on his list, we've only just begun...

- Mr Fabulous

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