
11 September 2013

1983 Toyota Celica Supra - Solid Ground

I was accused of being a Japanese car 'hater' over the summer.
Well, apart from the person in question using that now-hackneyed (and annoying) term, it really isn't true. But he does have a point as far as our big beautiful blog goes. Looking back in the vaults, we only seem to have featured thisthis and this (all Toyotas, curiously) and a lotta JDM tin here in the last few years, plus the Kei Nation features (back soon, we promise). This hasn't been by design; I'm not too much a fan of the Bōsōzoku look (although there are exceptions) and there are enough sites covering that scene. BUT, there are some cracking Japanese classic and modified cars out there, and we will be featuring more of these from now on.
And to kick off this brave new world, here's a tuff-looking Celica Supra. Now this is the sort of modified JDM machine I like; restrained body mods, the right stance, gorgeous wheels (16" Hayashi Racing Epsilons) and plenty of power courtesy of a 1JZ-GTE engine from a '91 Supra. That's twin turbos and over 270 bhp from the factory, although I doubt that figure hasn't been massaged upwards.
get acquainted with this super-dooper Supra here.


The MKII Celica Supra was known as the Celica XX in Japan

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