
7 May 2014

Long-Haul Lambos - 50th Anniversary Tour, Espada Road Trip

Welcome back! We took some time off to refresh and recharge our batteries, and now we've scoffed the last of the Easter eggs (and the Creme Eggs the Mini Eggs, but stopped short of the chickeny type), we're raring to go. We've got a very special week of posts lined up for next week (more on Friday), and some material that Amazo-san has some across in the archives; it's fair to say that it might not have existed anywhere in the digital medium, until now...
But anyway, enough of whats to come; here is what we have for you now. Courtesy of EVO magazine's fantastic YouTube channel, Harry Metcalfe (EVO founder and long-time writer) takes his Lamborghini Countach 5000qv to Italy to take in Lamborghini's 50th anniversary tour in Italy, then later takes his Espada on a 4 day, 1400 mile trip to France, taking in the classic Route Napoléon.
Need we say turn the volume up?

- Team Amazo

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